Drafts, Initiativies and Proposals
Treatment of questions referred for a preliminary ruling concerning the area of freedom, security and justice: Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice (Draft Council Decision),
Council document 11759/07 of 2000-12-31
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Draft Council Framework Decision on the recognition and supervision of suspended sentences and alternative sanctions,
Council document 5325/07 of 2007-01-14
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Explanatory memorandum in respect of the Initiative presented by the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic with a view to the adoption by the Council of a Framework Decision on the recognition and supervision of suspended sentences and alternative sanctions,
Council document 5325_ADD1/07 of 2007-01-31
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Proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of the environment through criminal law,
COM(2007) 51 of 2007-02-08
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Draft Council Framework Decision on the protection of personal data processed in the framework of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters,
Council document 7315/07 of 2007-03-12
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Withdrawal of obsolete Commission proposals,
OJ 2007 C 66 of 2007-03-21, p. 6-7
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Initiative of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Federal Republic of Germany,
the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the
Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovak Republic, the Italian
Republic, the Republic of Finland, the Portuguese Republic, Romania and the Kingdom of Sweden,
with a view to adopting a Council Decision on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly
in combating terrorism and cross-border crime,
OJ 2007 C 71 of 2007-03-27, p. 35-45
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Proposal for a Council Framework Decision on combating racism and xenophobia,
Council document 8544/07 of 2007-04-16
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Initiative of the Federal Republic of Germany and of the French Republic with a view to adopting a Council Framework Decision on the recognition and supervision of suspended sentences, alternative sanctions and conditional sentences,
Council document 10988/07 of 2007-06-26
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Initiative of the Federal Republic of Germany and of the French Republic with a view to adopting a Council Framework Decision (2007/.../JHA) of ... on the recognition and supervision of suspended sentences, alternative sanctions and conditional sentences,
OJ 2007 C 147 of 2007-06-29, p. 1-16
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Council Framework Decision on taking account of convictions in the Member States of the European Union in the course of new criminal proceedings,
Council document 9675/07 of 2007-07-01
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Proposal for amendments to the Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice,
Council document 11824/07 of 2007-07-12
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Articles 1 to 7 of the Reform Treaty (draft),
CIG 1/07
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Protocols (draft),
CIG 2/07
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Declarations (draft),
CIG 3/07
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Preamble (draft),
CIG 4/07
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Initiative of the Federal Republic of Germany with a view to the adoption of a Council Decision on a contact-point network against corruption,
OJ 2007 C 173 of 2007-07-25, p. 3-4
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Draft Treaty amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community (corrigenda),
CIG 1/07 COR 1
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Proposal for a Council Decision relating to the conclusion of an Agreement between the European Community and the Council of Europe on cooperation between the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and the Council of Europe,
COM(2007) 478 of 2007-08-20
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Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation
Regulation (EC) No 1338/2001 laying down measures necessary for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting,
COM(2007) 525 of 2007-09-16
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Eurojust's initial contribution for the European Commission Communication concerning the future of Eurojust and the European Judicial Network,
Council document 13079/07 of 2007-09-19
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Answers to questionnaire on "competent authorities",
Council document 11895/07 of 2007-09-27
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Articles 1 to 7 of the Reform Treaty (draft),
CIG 1/1/07
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Protocols (draft),
CIG 2/1/07
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Declarations (draft),
CIG 3/1/07
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Preamble (draft),
CIG 4/1/07
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Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the role of Eurojust and the European Judicial Network in the fight against organised crime and terrorism in the European Union,
COM(2007) 644 of 2007-10-22
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Proposal for a Council Framework Decision amending Framework Decision 2002/475/JHA on combating terrorism,
COM(2007) 650 of 2007-11-05
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Proposal for a Council Framework Decision on the use of Passenger Name Record (PNR) for law enforcement purposes,
COM(2007) 654 of 2007-11-05
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Initiative of the Federal Republic of Germany with a view to the adoption of a Council Decision on the implementation of Decision on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime,
OJ 2007 C 267 of 2007-11-07, p. 4-8
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General report on the seminar Eurojust navigating the way forward, Lisbon, 29 and 30 October 2007,
Council document 15542/07 of 2007-11-20
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Initiative of the Kingdom of Belgium with a view to adopting Council Framework Decision 2008/.../JHA on the recognition and enforcement of prohibitions arising from convictions for sexual offences committed against children,
Council document 15121/07 of 2007-12-01
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Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community,
CIG 14/07
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Final Act,
CIG 15/07
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Draft Council Conclusions on the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the role of Eurojust and the European Judicial Network in the fight against organised crime and terrorism in the European Union,
Council document 15176/1/07 of 2007-12-02
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Proposal for a Council Framework Decision on the protection of personal data processed in the framework of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters,
Council document 16069/07 of 2007-12-09
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Initiative of the Federal Republic of Germany and of the French Republic with a view to adopting a Council Framework Decision on the recognition and supervision of suspended sentences, alternative sanctions and conditional sentences,
Council document 16374/07 of 2007-12-10
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Proposal for a Council framework decision on the European supervision order in pre-trial procedures between Member States of the European Union - Revised text prepared by the Presidency,
Council document 16494/07 of 2007-12-11
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Council Framework Decision on the European Evidence Warrant for the purpose of obtaining objects, documents and data for use in proceedings in criminal matters,
Council document 13076/07 of 2007-12-20
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