Reports and Evaluations
Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the joint review of the implementation of the Agreement between the European Union and the United States of America on the processing and transfer of passenger name records to the United States Department of Homeland Security,
COM(2017) 29 of 2017-01-18
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Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council On the joint review of the implementation of the Agreement between the European Union and the United States of America on the processing and transfer of Financial Messaging Data from the European Union to the United States for the purposes of the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program,
COM(2017) 31 of 2017-01-18
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Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council and the Council: Fourth progress report towards an effective and genuine Security Union,
COM(2017) 41 of 2017-01-24
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Joint Investigation Teams Practical Guide,
Council document 6128/17 of 2017-02-07
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Joint Investigation Teams Practical Guide,
Council document 6128 REV 1/17 of 2017-02-13
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Overview of the information exchange environment in the justice and home affairs area,
Council document 6253/17 of 2017-02-14
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Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council and the Council: Fifth progress report towards an effective and genuine Security Union,
COM(2017) 203 of 2017-03-01
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Common challenges in combating cybercrime,
Council document 7021/17 of 2017-03-12
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Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council and the Council: Sixth progress report towards an effective and genuine Security Union,
COM(2017) 213 of 2017-04-12
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European Judicial Cybercrime Network Kick-off Meeting 24 November 2016 - Outcome Report,
Council document 8482/17 of 2017-04-25
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Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council and the Council: Seventh progress report towards an effective and genuine Security Union,
COM(2017) 261 of 2017-05-16
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Eurojust: The EAW and Prison Conditions - Outcome Report of the College Thematic Discussion,
Council document 9197/17 of 2017-05-16
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Eurojust: European Arrest Warrant Casework - Report (2014-2016),
Council document 9198/17 of 2017-05-16
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Directive 2014/41/EU on the European Investigation Order - Information from the Commission on the implementation of the Directive in view of the transposition deadline,
Council document 9301/17 of 2017-05-17
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Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council concerning the exchange through the European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS) of information extracted from criminal records between the Member States,
COM(2017) 341 of 2017-06-29
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Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the functioning of the European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-LISA),
COM(2017) 346 of 2017-06-29
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Manual on Law Enforcement Information Exchange,
Council document 6261/17 of 2017-07-04
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Council Framework Decision 2005/214/JHA of 24 February 2005 on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to financial penalties - Forms and explanatory memorandum,
Council document 11032/17 of 2017-07-05
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Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council and the Council: Tenth progress report towards an effective and genuine Security Union,
COM(2017) 466 of 2017-09-07
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Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council assessing the extent to which the Member States have taken the necessary measures in order to comply with Directive 2013/40/EU on attacks against information systems and replacing Council Framework Decision 2005/222/JHA,
COM(2017) 474 of 2017-09-13
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Seventh round of mutual evaluations on "The practical implementation and operation of the European policies on prevention and combating cybercrime" - Draft Final report,
Council document 9986 REV 2/17 of 2017-09-18
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Final report of the seventh round of mutual evaluations on "The practical implementation and operation of the European policies on prevention and combating cybercrime" - Information to the Council,
Council document 12711/17 of 2017-10-02
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Commission Notice — Handbook on how to issue and execute a European arrest warrant,
OJ 2017 C 335 of 2017-10-06, p. 1-83
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Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council and the Council: Eleventh progress report towards an effective and genuine Security Union,
COM(2017) 608 of 2017-10-18
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Extracts from Conclusions of Plenary meetings of the EJN concerning case-law on the EAW,
Council document 15207/17 of 2017-12-08
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Directive 2014/41/EU on the European Investigation Order - Information from the Commission on the transposition of the Directive,
Council document 15209/17 of 2017-12-08
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Council Framework Deciision 2002/584/JHA of 13 June 2002 on the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States - Discussion on recent case-law of the Court of Justice EU = Paper by the Commission (including questions for Member States),
Council document 15206/17 of 2017-12-12
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Directive 2014/41/EU of 3 April 2014 regarding the European Investigation Order in criminal matters - Competent authorities and languages accepted for the European Investigation Order in criminal matters = Paper by EJN,
Council document 15211/17 of 2017-12-12
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Directive 2014/41/EU of 3 April 2014 regarding the European Investigation Order in criminal matters - Competent authorities and languages = Paper by EJN,
Council document 15211 REV 1/17 of 2017-12-15
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Manual on Law Enforcement Information Exchange,
Council document 6261 ADD 1 REV 2/17 of 2018-01-16
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