> eurocrim > Types of Law > European Union > Materials > Reports and Evaluations > 2016

Reports and Evaluations


Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of Council Framework Decision 2009/315/JHA of 26 February 2009 on the organisation and content of the exchange of information extracted from criminal record between Member States, COM(2016) 6 of 2016-01-18 (de en)


Meeting of the Consultative Forum of Prosecutors General and Directors of Public Prosecutions of the Member States of the European Union and Workshop on Data Retention in the Fight Against Serious Crime: The Way Forward Eurojust, The Hague, 10-11 December 2015 Conclusions, Council document 5930/16 of 2016-02-09 (en)


Council Framework Decision 2005/214/JHA of 24 February 2005 on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to financial penalties - Discussion on selected issues regarding the application of the Framework Decision, Council document 7222/16 of 2016-03-29 (en)


Regulation (EU) 2016/95 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 January 2016 repealing certain acts in the field of police cooperation and judicial cooperation in criminal matters = Information in relation to the Framework Decision on the European Evidence Warrant and the Directive on the European Investigation Order, Council document 7370/16 of 2016-03-29 (en)


Review of the 2010 EU-US MLA Agreement - Examination of draft texts, Council document 7403/16 of 2016-04-06 (en)


Report of the conference "Working apart together on the administrative approach to prevent and tackle crime", Council document 7728/16 of 2016-04-12 (en)


Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council: Report on the progress made in the fight against trafficking in human beings (2016) as required under Article 20 of Directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims, COM(2016) 267 of 2016-05-18 (de en)


Criminal Law Contact Group - Guiding principles for legislative initiatives in the field of substantive criminal law - Information by the Presidency on an informal meeting, Council document 9284/16 of 2016-06-09 (en)


Criminal Law Contact Group - Guiding principles for legislative initiatives in the field of substantive criminal law - Outcome of the informal meeting on 28 June 2016, Council document 10599/16 of 2016-06-29 (en)


Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council based on Article 10 of Council Framework Decision 2008/841/JHA of 24 October 2008 on the fight against organised crime, COM(2016) 448 of 2016-07-06 (de en)


Joint Investigation Teams Practical Guide, Council document 11501/16 of 2016-07-25 (de en)


Meeting of the Consultative Forum of Prosecutors General and Directors of Public Prosecutions of the Member States of the European Union Eurojust, The Hague, 3 June 2016 - Conclusions, Council document 123293/16 of 2016-09-22 (en)


Council Framework Decision 2008/909/JHA on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to judgments in criminal matters imposing custodial sentences or measures involving deprivation of liberty for the purpose of their enforcement in the European Union - Declarations under Article 7(4) and Article 28(2), Council document 12869/16 of 2016-10-09 (en)


Implementation and application of EU criminal law instruments - Action by the European Judicial Network regarding the follow-up of EU criminal law instruments, Council document 14140/16 of 2016-11-07 (en)


Council Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA of 13 June 2002 on the European Arrest Warrant and surrender procedures between Member States - Questions regarding recent decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Council document 15002/16 of 2016-11-29 (en)


Council Framework Decision 2005/214/JHA of 24 February 2005 on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to financial penalties - Draft forms and agreement, Council document 14898/16 of 2016-11-29 (en)


Report from the Commission to the European Parliamanet and the Council assessing the impact of existing national law, establishing as a criminal offence the use of services which are the objects of exploitation of trafficking in human beings, on the prevention of trafficking in human beings, in accordance with Article 23 (2) of the Directive 2011/36/EU , COM(2016) 719 of 2016-12-01 (de en)


Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council assessing the extent to which Member States have taken the necessary measures in order to comply with Directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims in accordance with Article 23 (1), COM(2016) 722 of 2016-12-01 (de en)


Directive 2014/41/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 regarding the European Investigation Order in criminal matters - State of play of the implementation process, Council document 15007 REV 1/16 of 2016-12-06 (en)


Non-paper: Progress Report following the Conclusions of the Council of the European Union on Improving Criminal Justice in Cyberspace, Council document 15072 REV 1/16 of 2016-12-06 (en)


Agreement of 20 November 2009 between the European Union and Japan on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters - Presentation by the Commission of its report concerning the EU-Japan day on 14 July 2016, including recommendations , Council document 15008/16 of 2016-12-14 (en)


EU Justice and Home Affairs Agencies’ cooperation in 2016 - Final report, Council document 15579/16 of 2016-12-15 (en)


Report from the Commission to the Euripean Parliament and the Council assessing the extent to which the Member States have taken the necessary measures in order to comply with Directive 2011/93/EU of 13 December 2011 on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography, COM(2016) 871 of 2016-12-15 (de en)


Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council assessing the implementation of the measures referred to in Article 25 of Directive 2011/93/EU of 13 December 2011 on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography, COM(2016) 872 of 2016-12-15 (de en)


Implementation of the counter-terrorism agenda set by the European Council - Detailed description of recent and planned CT/CVE related activities, Council document 14260 ADD 1 EXT 1/16 of 2016-12-19 (de en)


Implementation of the counter-terrorism agenda set by the European Council, Council document 14260 EXT 1/16 of 2016-12-19 (de en)


Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council and the Council: Third progress report towards an effective and genuine Security Union, COM(2016) 831 of 2016-12-20 (de en)


Outcome of proceedings COPEN meeting 16 December 2016, Council document 15714/16 of 2016-12-21 (en)


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