Council Decisions
Council Decision of 28 February 2002 concerning control measures and criminal sanctions in respect of the new synthetic drug PMMA,
OJ 2002 L 63 of 2002-03-05, p. 14
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Council Decision of 28 February 2002 setting up Eurojust with a view to reinforcing the fight against serious crime,
OJ 2002 L 63 of 2002-03-05, p. 1-13
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Council Act of 28 February 2002 amending the Council Act of 12 March 1999 adopting the rules governing the transmission of personal data by Europol to third States and third bodies,
OJ 2002 C 76 of 2002-03-26, p. 1-2
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Council Decision of 13 June 2002 setting up a European network of contact points in respect of persons responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes,
OJ 2002 L 167 of 2002-06-25, p. 1-2
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Berichtigung des Beschlusses des Rates vom 28. Februar 2002 über die Errichtung von Eurojust zur
Verstärkung der Bekämpfung der schweren Kriminalität,
OJ 2002 L 196 of 2002-07-24, p. 63
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Council Decision of 22 July 2002 establishing a framework programme on police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters (AGIS),
OJ 2002 L 203 of 2002-07-31, p. 5-8
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Council Decision of 28 November 2002 establishing a mechanism for evaluating the legal systems and their implementation at national level in the fight against terrorism,
OJ 2002 L 349 of 2002-12-23, p. 1-3
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