Council Framework Decision 2009/948/JHA of 30 November 2009 on prevention and settlement of conflicts of exercise of jurisdiction in criminal proceedings
Council Framework Decision 2009/948/JHA of 30 November 2009 on prevention and settlement of conflicts of exercise of jurisdiction in criminal proceedings,
OJ 2009 L 328 of 2009-12-14, p. 42-47
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Bills, preliminary documents
Council Framework Decision on prevention and settlement of conflicts of exercise of jurisdiction in criminal proceedings,
Council document 8535/09 of 2009-05-19
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Proposal for a Council Framework Decision on prevention and settlement of conflicts of exercise of jurisdiction in criminal proceedings - General approach,
Council document 8338/09 of 2009-04-04
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Proposal for a Council Framework Decision on prevention and settlement of conflicts of jurisdiction in criminal proceedings - Revised text of Articles,
Council document 5973/09 of 2009-02-05
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Proposal for a Council Framework Decision on prevention and settlement of conflicts of jurisdiction in criminal proceedings - Confirmation by CATS of provisional agreement on selected issues,
Council document 5804/09 of 2009-02-03
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Proposal for a Council Framework Decision on prevention and settlement of conflicts of jurisdiction in criminal proceedings,
Council document 5208/09 of 2009-01-19
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Proposal for a Council Framework Decision on prevention and settlement of conflicts of jurisdiction in criminal proceedings - Form,
Council document 5208 ADD 1/09 of 2009-01-19
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Explanatory Report,
Council document 5208 ADD 2/09 of 2009-01-19
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Green Paper on Conflicts of Jurisdiction and the Principle of ne bis in idem in Criminal Proceedings,
COM(2005) 696 of 2005-12-22
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Evaluation, Reports
Implementation of Council Framework Decision 2009/948/JHA of 30 November 2009 on prevention and settlement of conflicts of exercise of jurisdiction in criminal proceedings - Information provided to the General Secretariat,
Council document 9911/21 of 2021-06-17
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Implementation of Council Framework Decision 2009/948/JHA of 30 November 2009 on prevention and settlement of conflicts of exercise of jurisdiction in criminal proceedings - Information provided to the General Secretariat,
Council document 5475/20 of 2020-02-11
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Conflicts of jurisdiction and application of the ne bis in idem principle in practice,
Council document 9197/19 of 2019-05-15
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Guidelines for deciding 'which jurisdiction should prosecute?',
Council document 9628/18 of 2018-06-15
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Report on Eurojust's casework in the field of prevention and resolution of conflicts of jurisdiction,
Council document 6864/18 of 2018-03-07
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Implementation of the Council Framework Decision 2009/948/JHA of 30 November 2009 on prevention and settlement of conflicts of exercise of jurisdiction in criminal proceedings - Information provided to the General Secretariat,
Council document 5881 REV 4/15 of 2015-07-21
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Prevention and Resolution of Conflicts of Jurisdiction,
Council document 9474/15 of 2015-06-01
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Implementation of the Council Framework Decision 2009/948/JHA of 30 November 2009 on prevention and settlement of conflicts of exercise of jurisdiction in criminal proceedings - Information provided to the General Secretariat,
Council document 5881/15 of 2015-02-03
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Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation by the Member States of Framework Decision 2008/675/JHA of 24 July 2008 on taking into account of convictions in the Member States of the European Union in the course of new criminal proceedings,
COM(2014) 313 of 2014-06-01
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Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation by the Member States of Framework Decision 2008/675/JHA of 24 July 2008 on taking into account of convictions in the Member States of the European Union in the course of new criminal proceedings - ANNEX 1,
COM(2014) 313 ANNEX 1 of 2014-06-01
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