The Hague Programme: Strengthening freedom, security and justice in the European Union
The Hague Programme: Strengthening freedom, security and justice in the
European Union,
OJ 2005 C 53 of 2005-03-02, p. 1-14
Evaluation, Reports
Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Justice, Freedom and Security in Europe since 2005: an Evaluation of the Hague Programme and Action Plan,
COM(2009) 263 of 2010-06-19
Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Justice, Freedom and Security in Europe since 2005: An Evaluation of the Hague Programme and Action Plan: Follow-up of the implementation of legal instruments in the fields of justice, freedom and security at national level - Implementation Scoreboard,
SEC(2009) 765 of 2009-06-09
Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Justice, Freedom and Security in Europe since 2005: An Evaluation of the Hague Programme and Action Plan: An extended report on the evaluation of the Hague Programme,
SEC(2009) 766 of 2009-06-09
Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Justice, Freedom and Security in Europe since 2005: An Evaluation of the Hague Programme and Action Plan: General overview of instruments and deadlines provided in the Hague Programme and Action Plan in the fields of justice, freedom and security - Institutional Scoreboard,
SEC(2009) 767 of 2009-06-09
Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament - Report on the implementation of the Hague programme for 2007,
COM(2008) 373 of 2008-07-01
Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament - Report on the implementation of the Hague programme for 2006,
COM(2007) 373 of 2007-07-02
Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: Report on the implementation of the Hague programme for 2005,
COM(2006) 333 of 2006-06-27
Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: Implementing The Hague Programme: the way forward,
COM(2006) 331 of 2006-06-27
Communication form the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: The Hague Programme: Ten priorities for the next five years - a partnership for European renewal,
COM(2005) 184 of 2005-05-09