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Regulation (EU) 2019/818 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019 on establishing a framework for interoperability between EU information systems in the field of police and judicial cooperation, asylum and migration and amending Regulations (EU) 2018/1726, (EU) 2018/1862 and (EU) 2019/816

2019-04-26: Amended proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on establishing a framework for interoperability between EU information systems (police and judicial cooperation, asylum and migration) and amending [Regulation (EU) 2018/XX [the Eurodac Regulation],] Regulation (EU) 2018/XX [the Regulation on SIS in the field of law enforcement], Regulation (EU) 2018/XX [the ECRIS-TCN Regulation] and Regulation (EU) 2018/XX [the eu-LISA Regulation] - Outcome of the European Parliament's first reading (Strasbourg, 15 to 18 April 2019), Council document 7751/19 of 2019-04-25 (de en)

Analysis of non-conviction based confiscation measures in the European Union

2019-04-19: Analysis of non-conviction based confiscation measures in the European Union, SEC(2019) 1050 of 2019-04-12 (en)

Strengthening victims'rights: from compensation to reparation

2019-04-19: Strengthening victims'rights: from compensation to reparation, Council document 8629/19 of 2019-04-16 (en)

Report on Eurojust's Casework in Asset Recovery

2019-04-19: Eurojust's Casework in Asset Recovery at a Glance, Council document 8722/19 of 2019-04-17 (en)

Report on Eurojust's Casework in Asset Recovery

2019-04-19: Report on Eurojust's Casework in Asset Recovery, Council document 8719/19 of 2019-04-17 (en)

Convention drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests

2019-04-12: Explanatory Report on the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests, OJ 1997 C 191 of 1997-06-23, p. 1-11 (de en)

The future of EU substantive criminal law

2019-04-12: The future of EU substantive criminal law - Draft report by the Presidency, Council document 7945 REV 1/19 of 2019-04-11 (en)


2019-04-12: European Council Decision (EU) 2019/584 taken in agreement with the United Kingdom of 11 April 2019 extending the period under Article 50(3) TEU, OJ 2019 L 101 of 2019-04-11, p. 1-3 (de en)

The future of EU substantive criminal law

2019-04-05: The future of EU substantive criminal law - Draft report by the Presidency, Council document 7945/19 of 2019-04-04 (en)

Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/598 of 9 April 2019 on the transitional rules for the appointment of European Prosecutors for and during the first mandate period, provided for in Article 16(4) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1939

2019-04-01: Draft Council Implementing Decision on the transitional rules for the appointment of European Prosecutors for and during the first mandate period, provided for in Article16(4) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, Council document 7267/19 of 2019-03-26 (de en)


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