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Council Framework Decision 2009/299/JHA of 26 February 2009 amending Framework Decisions 2002/584/JHA, 2005/214/JHA, 2006/783/JHA, 2008/909/JHA and 2008/947/JHA, thereby enhancing the procedural rights of persons and fostering the application of the principle of mutual recognition to decisions rendered in the absence of the person concerned at the trial. - Consolidated version of the European arrest warrant form

2011-07-28: Council Framework Decision 2009/299/JHA of 26 February 2009 amending Framework Decisions 2002/584/JHA, 2005/214/JHA, 2006/783/JHA, 2008/909/JHA and 2008/947/JHA, thereby enhancing the procedural rights of persons and fostering the application of the principle of mutual recognition to decisions rendered in the absence of the person concerned at the trial. - Consolidated version of the European arrest warrant form, Council document 13297/11 of 2011-07-26 (de en)

Council Framework Decision 2009/299/JHA of 26 February 2009 amending Framework Decisions 2002/584/JHA, 2005/214/JHA, 2006/783/JHA, 2008/909/JHA and 2008/947/JHA, thereby enhancing the procedural rights of persons and fostering the application of the principle of mutual recognition to decisions rendered in the absence of the person concerned at the trial - Consolidated version of the certificate concerning the execution of judgments and probation decisions with a view to the supervision of probation measures and alternative sanctions

2011-07-28: Council Framework Decision 2009/299/JHA of 26 February 2009 amending Framework Decisions 2002/584/JHA, 2005/214/JHA, 2006/783/JHA, 2008/909/JHA and 2008/947/JHA, thereby enhancing the procedural rights of persons and fostering the application of the principle of mutual recognition to decisions rendered in the absence of the person concerned at the trial - Consolidated version of the certificate concerning the execution of judgments and probation decisions with a view to the supervision of probation measures and alternative sanctions, Council document 13300/11 of 2011-07-26 (de en)

Council Framework Decision 2009/299/JHA of 26 February 2009 amending Framework Decisions 2002/584/JHA, 2005/214/JHA, 2006/783/JHA, 2008/909/JHA and 2008/947/JHA, thereby enhancing the procedural rights of persons and fostering the application of the principle of mutual recognition to decisions rendered in the absence of the person concerned at the trial. - Consolidated version of the certificate concerning the execution of judgments in criminal matters imposing custodial sentences or measures involving deprivation of liberty.

2011-07-28: Council Framework Decision 2009/299/JHA of 26 February 2009 amending Framework Decisions 2002/584/JHA, 2005/214/JHA, 2006/783/JHA, 2008/909/JHA and 2008/947/JHA, thereby enhancing the procedural rights of persons and fostering the application of the principle of mutual recognition to decisions rendered in the absence of the person concerned at the trial. - Consolidated version of the certificate concerning the execution of judgments in criminal matters imposing custodial sentences or measures involving deprivation of liberty., Council document 13301/11 of 2011-07-26 (de en)

Council Framework Decision 2009/299/JHA of 26 February 2009 amending Framework Decisions 2002/584/JHA, 2005/214/JHA, 2006/783/JHA, 2008/909/JHA and 2008/947/JHA, thereby enhancing the procedural rights of persons and fostering the application of the principle of mutual recognition to decisions rendered in the absence of the person concerned at the trial. - Consolidated version of the certificate concerning the execution of financial penalties

2011-07-28: Council Framework Decision 2009/299/JHA of 26 February 2009 amending Framework Decisions 2002/584/JHA, 2005/214/JHA, 2006/783/JHA, 2008/909/JHA and 2008/947/JHA, thereby enhancing the procedural rights of persons and fostering the application of the principle of mutual recognition to decisions rendered in the absence of the person concerned at the trial. - Consolidated version of the certificate concerning the execution of financial penalties, Council document 13298/11 of 2011-07-26 (de en)

Agreement between the European Union and Japan on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters

2011-07-28: EU-Japan Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement - Fact-sheet on the practical conduct of MLA procedures, Council document 13259/11 of 2011-07-25 (en)

Directive 2011/99/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 2011 on the European protection order

2011-07-28: Initiative of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Kingdom of Spain, the Republic of Estonia, the French Republic, the Republic of Hungary, the Italian Republic, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Portugal, Romania, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Protection Order - New definition of the scope of application and consequent modifications to the text of the instrument, Council document 12863/11 of 2011-07-19 (en)

Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council: A European terrorist finance tracking system (EU TFTS)

2011-07-18: Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of Regions: A European terrorist finance tracking system: available options, COM(2011) 429 of 2011-07-12 (de en)

Regulation (EU) No 1077/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011 establishing a European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice

2011-07-18: Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing an Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice - Outcome of the European Parliament's first reading (Strasbourg, 4 to 7 July 2011), Council document 12493/11 of 2011-07-13 (de en)

Directive 2013/48/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2013 on the right of access to a lawyer in criminal proceedings and in European arrest warrant proceedings, and on the right to have a third party informed upon deprivation of liberty and to communicate with third persons and with consular authorities while deprived of liberty

2011-07-15: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the on the right of access to a lawyer in criminal proceedings and on the right to communicate upon arrest - General comments / First reading of Articles 1-11, Council document 12643/11 of 2011-07-12 (en)

Council Decision 2011/168/CFSP of 21 March 2011 on the International Criminal Court and repealing Common Position 2003/444/CFSP

2011-07-13: Draft Action Plan to follow-up on the Decision on the International Criminal Court , Council document 12077 REV 1/11 of 2011-07-11 (en)


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