Proposal for a Council Implementing Decision amending Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1696 of 13 July 2018 on the operating rules of the selection panel provided for in Article 14(3) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 implementing enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (‘the EPPO’)
Proposal for a Council Implementing Decision amending Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1696 of 13 July 2018 on the operating rules of the selection panel provided for in Article 14(3) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 implementing enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (‘the EPPO’),
COM(2025) 69 of 2025-03-03
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2012/29/EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime, and replacing Council Framework Decision 2001/220/JHA
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2012/29/EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime, and replacing Council Framework Decision 2001/220/JHA - Four-column table,
Council document 5892/25 of 2025-02-25
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Council Conclusions on the use of Artificial Intelligence in the field of justice
Council Conclusions on the use of Artificial Intelligence in the field of justice,
Council document 16933/24 of 2024-12-16
Council Framework Decision of 13 June 2002 on the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States
Case-law by the Court of Justice of the European Union on the European
Arrest Warrant - Updated overview by Eurojust,
Council document 16842/24 of 2024-12-18
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Regulation (EU) 2024/3011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2024 on the transfer of proceedings in criminal matters
Regulation (EU) 2024/3011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2024 on the transfer of proceedings in criminal matters,
OJ L 2024/3011 of 2024-12-18
The effect of Court of Justice of the European Union case-law on national data retention regimes and judicial cooperation in the EU
The effect of Court of Justice of the European Union case-law on national data retention regimes and judicial cooperation in the EU,
Council document 16844 REV 1/24 of 2024-12-13
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Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down minimum rules to prevent and counter the facilitation of unauthorised entry, transit and stay in the Union, and replacing Council Directive 2002/90/EC and Council Framework Decision 2002/946 JHA
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down minimum rules to prevent and counter the facilitation of unauthorised entry, transit and stay in the Union, and replacing Council Directive 2002/90/EC and Council Framework Decision 2002/946 JHA - General approach,
Council document 16910/24 of 2024-12-13
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child sexual abuse material and replacing Council Framework Decision 2004/68/JHA (recast)
The draft Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child sexual abuse material and replacing Council Framework Decision 2004/68/JHA (recast) - General approach,
Council document 16791/24 of 2024-12-13
Council Conclusions on ‘The future of Union criminal law: recommendations on the way forward’
The future of EU criminal law: Report of the Presidency: Towards updated model provisions,
Council document 16103/24 of 2024-12-04
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Council Conclusions on ‘The future of Union criminal law: recommendations on the way forward’
The Future of EU criminal law: Report of the Presidency: Overview of the discussions on the future of EU criminal law,
Council document 16102/24 of 2024-12-04
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