Beitritt der Europäischen Union zur Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention
Beitritt der Europäischen Union zur Europäischen Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten (EMRK) - Sachstand,
Ratsdok. 12528/15 vom 01.10.2015
EU accession to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms,
Ratsdok. 7812/15 vom 08.04.2015
Final Report to the CDDH,
47+1(2013) 008 rev 2 (09.06.2013)
Beitritt der Europäischen Union zur Europäischen Konvention zum Schutz der Meschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten (EMRK) - Aktueller Stand,
Ratsdok. 18117/11 vom 05.12.2011
Report to the Committee of Ministers on the elaboration of legal instruments for the accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights,
CDDH(2011)009 (13.10.2011)
Recommendation for a Council Decision authorising the Commission to negotiate the Accession Agreement of the European Union to the European Convention for the protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms,
Ratsdok. 7668 EXT 2/10 vom 24.02.2011
1. Accession Agreement of the European Union to the European Convention for the protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) Negotiating process: De-briefing by the Commission on the 4th Working meeting of CDDH-UE. 6-8 December 2010 - Brussels
2. Communication from the Commission Strategy for the effective implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the European Union,
Ratsdok. 18244/10 vom 21.12.2010
Accession Agreement of the European Union to the European Convention for the protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) - Negotiating process,
Ratsdok. 14516/10 vom 12.10.2010
Draft Council Decision authorising the Commission to negotiate the Accession Agreement of the European Union to the European Convention for the protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR). -Involvement of ECJ regarding the compatibility of legal acts of the Union with fundamental rights (Paragraph 11 of the Negotiating directives),
Ratsdok. 10568/10 vom 01.06.2010
Draft Council Decision authorising the Commission to negotiate the Accession Agreement of the European Union to the European Convention for the protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) -Co-respondent mechanism (Paragraph 10 of the Negotiating directives),
Ratsdok. 10569/10 vom 01.06.2010
Recommendation for a Council Decision authorising the Commission to negotiate the Accession Agreement of the European Union to the European Convention for the protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Ratsdok. 7668/10 vom 25.05.2010
Beitritt der Europäischen Union zur Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention,
Ratsdok. 6582/10 vom 16.02.2010