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Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee on a comprehensive EU policy against Corruption

Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Central Bank and the Court of Auditors on the review of the European Union under the Implementation Review Mechanism of the United Nation Conventions against Corruption (UNCAC)

Convention drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 (2) (c) of the Treaty on European Union on the fight against corruption involving officials of the European Communities or officials of Member States of the European Union

Convention drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests

Council Decision of 25 September 2008 on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Community, of the United Nations Convention against Corruption

Council Decision on a contact-point network against corruption

Council Framework Decision 2003/568/JHA of 22 July 2003 on combating corruption in the private sector

Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2988/95 of 18 December 1995 on the protection of the European Communities financial interests

Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law

EU Action against corruption

Eurojust casework on corruption: 2016-2021 insights

Initiative of the Federal Republic of Germany with a view to the adoption of a Council Framework Decision on criminal law protection against fraudulant or other unfair anti-competitive conduct in relation to the award of public contracts in the common market

Joint Action of 22 December 1998 adopted by the Council on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on corruption in the private sector

Proposal for a Council Decision on the position to be taken, on behalf of the European Union, in the 83rd Plenary Meeting of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) as regards the participation of the European Union as observer in GRECO

Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on combating corruption, replacing Council Framework Decision 2003/568/JHA and the Convention on the fight against corruption involving officials of the European Communities or officials of Member States of the European Union and amending Directive (EU) 2017/1371 of the European Parliament and of the Council

Protocol drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union on the interpretation, by way of preliminary rulings, by the Court of Justice of the European Communities of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests

Protocol drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union to the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests

Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: EU Anti-Corruption Report

Second Protocol, drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the treaty on European Union, to the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests - Joint Declaration on Article 13 (2) - Commission Declaration on Article 7

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