> eurocrim > The Principle of Ne Bis in Idem in Criminal Matters in the Case Law of the Court of Justic...

The Principle of Ne Bis in Idem in Criminal Matters in the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union

Evaluation, Bericht nach Umsetzung

Case-law by the Court of Justice of the European Union on the Principle of ne bis in idem in Criminal Matters - December 2021, Ratsdok. 14812/21 vom 10.12.2021 (en)

Overview of Case Law bythe CJEU on the principle of ne bis in idem in criminal matters, Ratsdok. 7823/20 vom 07.05.2020 (en)

The Principle of Ne Bis in Idem in Criminal Matters in the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Ratsdok. 9629/18 vom 05.06.2018 (en)

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